CITA & Polk County Conservation are hosting a community ride at Fourmile MTB Park on November 16, 2024 from 1:00 - 3:00 PM
We are calling this a "soft opening".
The "Grand Opening" for the park will be in 2025 but the trails are getting close to completion and need tires before winter sets in.
We ask that everyone meets in the gravel lot just off of Williams St. Use 1600 E. 42nd Ct & your phone will get you to the right place.
Plan for the day:
Short talk from PCC and CITA
Ride the trails!!
Head for tacos?!
It's the simple.
Some items to note, there are no trail signs, restroom facilities or a finished parking lot yet. Those are coming but aren't ready yet. We will have some basic maps available that show the direction of the trails to avoid any conflicts.
More details at our Facebook event.
FOUrMile MTB Park | Des Moines, Iowa
The Fourmile MTB (Mountain Bike) Park project site is undeveloped and located on 50.25 acres within the highly urbanized area of east Des Moines and Pleasant Hill along the Gay Lea Wilson Trail. The project goal is to provide a soft surface trail system oriented towards recreational mountain biking, hiking, trail running, and groomed trails for winter fat biking. The project includes the 4.5-mile development of singletrack flow trails. Flow Trails take mountain bikers on a terrain induced roller coaster experience, with little pedaling and braking as necessary. This style of riding contains features like banked turns, quick up/down terrain, jumps, and a consistent trail surface.
Central Iowa Trail Association and Polk County Conservation are working together to create integrated trails and green spaces that will serve as recreation and conservation areas for the entire community. We are currently seeking donations to make this area a reality!
Fourmile MTB
PHASE I | $200,000 Fundraising Goal
Spring/Summer 2021: Project Fundraising & Grant applications
Fall/Winter 2021: Design Development
Spring/Summer 2022: Project Bidding and Construction
Fall 2022: Park Design Completion
Winter 2022: Project Bidding
Spring 2023: Construction on parking lot and trailhead
Fall 2023: Construction on trail system
Spring 2024: Projected opening
The Need
Like many areas in the country, trail usage in Polk County Conservation areas increased by over 40% in 2020. This growth created crowded trailheads and an obvious need for more singletrack trails, especially those that connect off paved trails. The Copper Creek Mountain Bike Trails will serve the city of Pleasant Hill, the city of Des Moines, and Polk County residents who visit from nearby. This trail system will provide recreation for every level of rider and activities for a variety of users. The acreage is surrounded by neighborhoods and connects via a paved trail to a shopping area, providing easy access for the community.
Iowa ranks near the bottom of all 50 states in terms of the amount of recreation land it offers to the public. This area will provide a space for the community to escape to nature, all within a few miles of the heart of Des Moines. Not only does this area provide outdoor recreation for a community that has little green space, but it will serve as a large conservation education area with rain gardens, timber stand improvement areas, invasive species removal, interpretive conservation signs, and wetlands to assist with water drainage.
The Copper Creek project will bring expanded singletrack trail access to Des Moines’ East Side. This addition to the existing CITA trail system ensures more people will have access to enjoy and appreciate the outdoors. By combining conservation and recreation, Copper Creek Trails will truly speak to Polk County Conservation’s mission of providing quality outdoor recreation and long term protection of green spaces for the citizens of Polk County.
With help from IMBA, the Copper Creek Trails Project has been chosen as a 2021 Dig In Grant Recipient. IMBA’s Dig In Program, founded by Shimano, provides an avenue for raising funds for mountain bike projects nationwide, like this one! IMBA is helping us, by leveraging their reach and relationships to provide grant opportunities via corporate partner dollars and run a national marketing campaign. The goal is to bridge the gap between local and national fundraising efforts, and show a new audience how inspirational and vital trails are to local riders and communities.
Each project that raises $2,000 is eligible for $2,000 in matching funds from Shimano. The more money is raised means more money can be allocated toward the project. Make a difference today by contributing to the Copper Creek MTB Park Dig In project! .
Polk County Conservation and CITA are currently applying for grants to assist in the funding of this project. As grants are awarded we will list them here.
The Fourmile property owned by Polk County Conservation presents a unique opportunity to meld green infrastructure best management practices (BMPs) with active, community recreation. The overall forest/land condition, gentle grades, and proximity to a FEMA foodplain are great combinations for a one-of-a-kind symbiosis of recreation and green infrastructure. Can you imagine a pump track that also functions as a rain garden? Native grasses, forbs, and flowers on the backsides of berms and sides of rollers or jumps? Invasive forest understory species eradicated and new native understory and oak trees planted to recreate the historical oak savannahs of Polk County? Permeable rock slab armoring draining to swales? All of this can be created at Copper Creek.
Native Stone Starting Hub
Flow Trails
Earth Berms
Wood Features | Berms/Jumps/Boardwalks
Stream Crossing
GREEN INFRATRUCTURE will be used across the site to address stormwater runoff from the proposed parking lot in the form of bioswales and a series of rain gardens. Water quality can also be address along Copper Creek itself. Currently an engineering firm has been retained to study the hydraulics of this site to improve water quality. It is anticipated a small wetland could be incorporated into this site that would filter water from Copper Creek before it enters Fourmile creek immediately southwest of the site.
SUSTAINABLE TRAILS The trail system will be built to Best Management Practices for sustainable trail design. Trails will serve as recreational trails for bikers, hikers, and trail runners. Residents from nearby Copper Creek Lake Park will be able to enjoy the paved walking trail around the lake and also break off into Copper Creek Woods to experience the natural trails. All this is located along the Gay Leah Wilson trail that connects into the Central Iowa Trails System.