Support Our Trails Every Time You Ride
Connect your Strava account to LuvTrails and support your local volunteer-maintained singletrack trails every time you ride. LuvTrails is a great way to give back to the trails in direct proportion to how much you use them.
What is LuvTrails?
LuvTrails is an app that allows users to donate directly to participating trail organizations. Download LuvTRAILS for free from your App Store:
Where does my money go?
In the Des Moines area, donations go to the Central Iowa Trail Association (CITA). LuvTrails takes 5% of per-mile donations and 10% of one-time donations, and they cover any credit card or bank fees. Everything else goes to the trail organization. Funds are then used to purchase and maintain tools and materials needed for trail maintenance - hand tools, fuel for mowers, lumber for bridges, and an occasional pizza or two for trail volunteers.
How do I sign up?
Search LuvTrails in your phone’s app store or scan the LuvTrails QR code sticker on trail signs with your smartphone camera.
2. Create an account.
3. Click “Connect with Strava”
And sign into your Strava account to link.
4. Complete the linking process
by clicking this link: and set your cents-per-mile amount. This can be changed on the website at any time.
5. Hit the Trails!
When you complete a ride on Strava, you will receive a notification to approve your donation. This can be done either through the app notifications or an email notification.
Not interested in recurring donations?
Make a one-time donation from the app.
Scan the QR code at a trail sign OR go into the app and select the trail you want to support. This can easily be found by viewing “Closest Venues” on the app homepage.
Click on the “donate” button at the bottom of the screen and select the amount you want to give. You’ll also be able to review what trail organization is being supported.
3. Don’t forget to check out!
Once you have your amount added, go to your cart to complete the secure checkout process.