2300 E 32nd St
Des Moines, IA 50317
Grandview Park trail loops around the park. It mostly stays in the trees and follows the contours of the park's several ridges. It flows nicely in the trees offering some short little climbs as well as spots to get some speed and enjoy.
Even with its short distance you can enjoy some variety by riding it in either direction.
Be considerate of the trails in the low-lying areas. During the fall and spring freeze/thaw or heavy rains cause the trails to close. Signs at the trailheads will indicate whether a trail is open or closed and is regularly updated by the Trail Steward.
Parking can be found throughout the park.
At the main parking lot, you will find modern, flush restrooms and a water fountain.
There are several points at which the trail comes close to the disc golf baskets. Be aware and courteous to other users of the park.
These trails are two-way trails that also allow hiking and other foot traffic. Please use caution and ride at your own risk.
Length: 1.68 miles
Challenge: Easy
Starting from the parking located at Hole 1 of the frisbee golf course, head south (uphill) and wind your way on the paved road until you see a kiosk next to Hole 15's tee. Ride along the grass toward the pine trees and circle around Hole 15's basket and around Hole 16's tee. The trail enters the forest just to the west of the picnic shelter/playground area near Hole 16's basket.
The trail winds through the forest following the contour of the ridges. It offers some nice flow, some minor elevation changes, and broad sweeping turns as it winds its way along the east side of the park.
You will cross the park's road two times. Each time you will re-enter where there is a pavement marker like most street pedestrian crossings.
The trail ends at Hole 1's basket area, ride up to the road. From there you can turn around and ride it in the alternate direction, or ride south, up the pavement back to where you started at Hole 15.
Motorized vehicles (any non-human powered vehicle, i.e. motorcycles, one wheels, etc.).
Riding or hiking on wet/soft or muddy trails.
Any activity that causes damage to the trail tread by foot or bike.
Unauthorized building or modification of trails and/or technical features.
Horseback riding on single track trails.